Speaking Music Cards

it's a card that keeps on giving...

Sarah Hoffman – June 13, 2014:
Hey Sergei!
I just met you and bought one of your cds. I listened to it on my drive home and have it playing in my apartment now. Just wanted to let you know that your music absolutely tugs at my soul! I have been moved by each song and just get totally enveloped in every melody. Your music and I were meant to be!
Bruce – September 22, 2014:
Bought your CD at an art show and have played it and loved it over and over. Great for just listening and very nice for background. Thanks for your talent.
Vinette Marie Bowe – September 25, 2014:
I have had the pleasure of meeting Sergei, and enjoyed listening to the beautiful songs played on the piano.
“For Your Glass of Wine…Cheers” has many lovely and familiar pieces. I’ve purchased several of this particular CD for gifts along with a bottle of wine.
Kathy Sheridan – October 19, 2015:
This is our 2nd CD of Sergei’s and we are wearing it out. Again, we play it when we have company and everyone thoroughly enjoys his music.
John – March 3, 2016:
I have had this CD for many years and it is great. I remember buying this at some sort of arts and music festival that was going on a few years back. I have always enjoyed this CD both CD’s are great and best of all when I go to sleep at night and I can’t sleep I can just pop in one of these CD’s and it lets me fall asleep peacefully and fast. But this is also good for when you just want to relax after a long day at work and take a nice warm bath or something.